- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 12798
Clamping is a big part of woodworking whether it's part of clamping and gluing wood together, assembly or just some temporary holding that needs to be done. There are so many different kinds of woodworking clamps, I loose track of what is available and, believe it or not, I don't have every conceivable woodworking clamp available ... but some days I wish I had.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/GraXTJiteDY
For me, clamping and gluing boards together is probably my most common kind of clamping and for this, I use the old style bar clamps. I guess I could upgrade to something more modern, but these work for me, they are somewhat inexpensive and I have them in different sizes so they are pretty convenient for me, except for one problem ...
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- Read Time: 5 mins
- Hits: 11917
Woodworkers are a generally thrifty and innovative group of people, and always coming up with ways to save time and money and often use wood to make things that suit their own needs. The one thing I learned the hard way is the lids on metal cans, like paint cans do not always seal 100 percent and if you don't use up what's in them, they can dry out, or even just dry to a point where they have to be thrown out because they cannot be rejuvenated. I learned that you can fix this by using a thin sheet of plastic from a plastic bag to help seal and preserve the contents.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/hUOhQVYP2sc
This is how I have managed to keep my only container of wood putty or filler for 20 years or so ... and speaking of wood fillers ...
- Read Time: 4 mins
- Hits: 30950
Thickness Planers are one of those woodworking machines that only has one job .. to take our wood and make it evenly thick from end to end and there really is very little else it can do. Despite this limitation the thickness planer is a needed machine and with a bit of innovation we can give a little bit of extra work to help it pay it's way ...
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/XnfMAL8BwTA
Here are a few tips and tricks you can try with your planer to get some better end results ...
- Read Time: 6 mins
- Hits: 10629
Every woodworkers does some degree of gluing because gluing in most instances does such an excellent job ... glue joints are almost always stronger than the wood they are holding together. One of the most popular glues is commonly called Yellow Glue (even though some of them are white), Carpenters Glue (even though carpenters seldom use them anymore) but is actually PVA glue or Polyvinyl Acetate. It has been around for over 100 years and changed little during that time ... why mess with success.
Watch it on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Fr515p5uPJw
PVA glues ... as good as it is, does leave us with some problems. One of them is stains when we are gluing boards together ...